A grieving husband is reborn in obsidian and ash...
As samurai clans feud over the Imperial Throne, a temple scribe named Shindara is plunged into the fire and ashes of the Genpei War. Torn from his home, he unwittingly falls in with a group of rebels who may end up teaching him more about life and death than his high priests ever did.
While living among the vagabonds, he gains two close friends in a jovial thief and a princess-turned-rebel leader. From encounters with yōkai spirits to the rumblings of the end of an era, he finds himself drawn deeper into the dark realm of the Yomi. Yet, the ending he fears might be the beginning he needs.
"A celebration of fantasy that melds medieval Japanese history and folklore."
—Readers' Favorite
Heroes and villains trade places in a perfect storm of chaos.
Shindara and his companions embark on a journey to the Yomi—a barren underworld frozen in time and devoid of light. Hoping to find the answers to his curse, he faces the endless perils with the aid of a chaos demon.
What he discovers is more shocking than anything he could ever imagine, leading him on a voyage from samurai-infested battlefields to a secluded village with ancient ties to a dead goddess. Shindara might succeed in saving Japan from a corrupt Empire, but no one can save Japan from what he has become.
"One of the finest novels that have their foundation in the bedrock of Japanese mythology."
—Readers' Favorite
One era ends and another one begins in a blaze of redemption...
Disillusioned with the war, Shindara has secluded himself in the temples of Heian-kyō. However, he is forced out of hiding when a strange, new threat emerges against the city.
He soon finds himself at the center of a conspiracy that will lead him to forge unlikely alliances and make even greater enemies.
Shindara is determined to avoid a disaster like the one he caused in Namida. With Mikoto and Hachi by his side, he believes he can find a way... even if the omens are telling him otherwise.
"This is the pinnacle of dark fantasy."
—Readers' Favorite
Romance and fantasy collide in a yakuza-drenched tale of intrigue...
A shadowy figure is threatening Mikoto’s life and wields power over Shindara now. If he doesn’t obey, her death will come swiftly and without mercy. Shindara seeks her in the city of Sakai, where chaos finds him instead.
A power struggle is exploding in the streets, one that Mikoto is directly responsible for. The faintest of horizons are tinged with crime syndicates, faked deaths, and secret weddings.
Only one thing is for certain in these uncertain days. Shindara never could have imagined any of this. Not even in his damnedest dreams.
"A triumph in the genre, offering a spellbinding continuation of the series." —Readers' Favorite
Lovers brave the darkness
in a swansong for the dear and the damned...
Shindara and Mikoto flee from a long list of enemies they’ve made:
a vengeful Shōgun, a jealous ex-husband, and a father with delusions of honor killing.
At the heart of the storm stands Izanami, a woman whose presence ignites both suspicion and deadly allure. For Shindara, she represents another chance at the love he thought he lost. For others, she is the embodiment of the enemy they fear, leading them down a path of imminent disaster rather than away from it.
A loyal friend and a confused foe might make all the difference now. Whether alone or not, one constant will always remain the same.
Shindara has come too far to fail in the end.